Hi there! Let me tell you a little bit about how I give readings.

All my readings start with a positive intention prayer. I immediately start getting information for you. The issues at the forefront of your life will present themselves, as well as current challenges and possible strategies. I pull Oracle cards for more information tailored to you. There is time in every reading for questions & answers. After your reading, you will get a picture of your Oracle card spread via text with pictures and notes for you to refer back to and remember. 

There are certain things you can't do all by yourself. Sometimes you need the support and advice of an expert. You can't do surgery on yourself either. If you are going through a tough time, a reading can help you see how things could ultimately come together during confusion and pain. It is my absolute pleasure to serve you and provide support, guidance, and strategy. 

Intuitive Readings are great strategy sessions for up-leveling your passion-based business. I have helped many entrepreneurs start writing their books after years of sitting on them out of fear or procrastination, to achieve major success. We've brainstormed book titles together and created courses and meditations for their spiritually-based business. If you'd like sessions tailored around building your creative ideas into projects and busting through any blocks keeping you from taking the plunge, reach out to me here

When you Book Your Appointment, your reading will be scheduled.

Reading Reviews

What A Reading Can Do For You...

Validate your deepest feelings about a situation such as painful relationships or career issues leaving you feeling supported and not alone with actionable steps to take.

Support the expression of pent-up emotions from painful issues, toxic relationships, and people, places, and things that can rob you of your well-being. Intuitive Readings create the space for deep releasing to happen so healing can begin.

Give you clear and effective action steps towards building a successful passion-based business.

Create an authentic life with the power to make better self-affirming choices.

Help you have more trust for where you are right now and how that fits into the big picture.

Show you how to keep your energy clean and free of other people's energy and influence.

And More.

(Readings are different for every person and the issues facing them. The future is ultimately in your hands. They are potentials...outcomes that could happen. An intuitive session helps you see options, action steps to take, and where you have the power to move forward.)

BOOK Your Intuitive Reading 




The universe reveals its secrets to those that dare to follow their hearts. -Ralph Smart


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