She remembered who she was and the game changed.


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See you inside, XoTatiana


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What is a Magical Mindset Reset? 

A Magical Mindset Reset is a four-week online program to help you uncover the beliefs and habits that keep us playing small. It’s shaking up the status quo. It’s changing your future with easy, tried, and true techniques backed by science and the Big Magic behind it all. It’s believing in yourself, and in your wishes and dreams, even if you feel lost right now. All you have to do is take small actions just for you!

Get ready to wave the magic wand of your words, intentions, thoughts, and actions over your life. Not only will you have life-changing tips for right now, but you’ll have them at your fingertips whenever you need them in the future.


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Whether you call it Love, Goddess, the Universe, God, Higher Power, or the Magic-Behind-It-All, something greater than you always has your back. Tapping into this power as your ally changes you at your very core. It gives you a direct line to your guidance and your inner strength! It alters what you believe you deserve, expecting more for yourself just because! More fun. More joy. More love and creativity. More abundance! And baby cakes you don’t have to justify it! You deserve all of that and more.

Resetting your Mindset to Magical raises your energy. It activates your sense of your inherent value and worth. You are already amazing, beautiful and so talented! Believing in yourself takes you more than half the way there! It elevates your vibration. Your “vibe” is your presence in action, and it’s directly tied together with how you experience and live your life. It effervescently bubbles out in how you express yourself. It’s in your laughter, and what you create. 

Feeling shiny, abundant, gorgeous, capable, happy, and confident not only makes you feel awesome, but others will feel good around you too. People will want to spend time with you. They’ll want to see you do well and you might inspire them. Seeing you do well helps them believe they can too! They’ll want to hire you and buy your services. They’ll buy your book and put your art in their living room!


“I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” Emma Stone


A Magical Mindset Reset will give you the tools to a newly found sense of power and purpose. All you have to do is take small actions on your behalf. Just for You!

The world still tries to have us believe that putting others before ourselves is good, sweet, and kind. It’s the right thing to do. What good girls we are! F That! Who wouldn’t want to be there for someone who really needs us? We’d happily support them. But it’s time to close up shop if you’re giving advice and guidance as a “loyal friend or family member”, or giving yourself away to others only to find yourself totally depleted. 

I’ll be there to guide you. Before you know it, you’ll want to move forward because it feels good and right. Because you like who you see in the mirror and you’re proud of how brave and BADASS you’ve become!



How does it work? When you sign up, you’ll receive an email welcoming you to the Magical Mindset Reset, and then we get started! This course is totally via email, free of passwords and logins. You’ll get an email from me weekly for four weeks with journal prompts, and inspiring content for self-reflection and embracing your brand new state-of-mind. Best of all, the Magical Mindset Reset is yours for life! You can come back to it whenever you need to and reboot!

Q. Do I need any supplies?
A Magical Notebook and pen.

Q. Refund policy?
Industry-standard for refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed are not offered. I’ve never been asked for a refund. I’m absolutely confident the Magical Mindset Reset will have an amazing impact on your life, leaving you with a brand new and brightly inspired outlook on life!

* If you don’t receive your MMR emails check your Spam and Trash folders! Contact us below if you're not getting your emails.